Capital District Veterinary Referral Hospital

Ophthalmology First Visit
Prior To Visit
Have your veterinarian fax medical record to us prior to your appointment.
Collect your current and previous ophthalmic medications to bring to the visit.
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your examination time to complete any paperwork.
The First Visit
The veterinary ophthalmic technician will perform preliminary examinations including:
Tear production test
Glaucoma test
Examination for corneal ulcerationIt is very possible that your veterinarian has performed these tests recently; however our staff performs these procedures on all new cases as the condition of the eye can change very quickly.
The ophthalmologist will examine the front of the eye with a biomicroscope and the retina with an ophthalmoscope.
He or she will discuss her examination findings. Depending on your pet’s condition, she may recommend ophthalmic medications, surgery, additional diagnostic tests, or a combination of all of the above.
You will leave with a detailed discharge record explaining your pet’s condition, instructions for administering medications, information about medications, and an estimate for any recommended additional procedures. We value the ongoing relationship you have with your family veterinarian and will share medical records and updates with him or her during care and at discharge.